Liquid Sky Berlin
Audiovisual Arts Collective, Creative Thinktank, Design Agency and more.
Coming straight from the heart of the berlin underground scene Liquid Sky Berlin does not only represent the essential core of the audiovisual art and experimental scene since the foundation of the rapidly expanding collective was laid in 2012 when ingmar koch a.k.a. dr. walker relocated himself to berlin.
Liquid Sky Berlin is way more than that. It´s a family of associated musicians, producers djs and artists as well as visual genrebenders and renowned tastemakers from all around the world and beyond – all presented and amalgated within an interdisciplinary background by a cross-linked network of likeminded creative heads and hyperdigital natives closely bonded by a shared work experience of many years or even decades.
With lsb_TV – short for LIQUID SKY BERLIN TV - the collective has installed a new groundbreaking concept of crossmedia music television created by multicreative design terrorist and visionary music maker ingmar koch a.k.a. dr. walker and brought to life with the help of uli sigg, one of germany´s most applauded visual artists and one of the countries pioneers in vj culture. The „distorted view on the disturbing reality“ is not only a phrase when the lsb_TV crew enters the berlin-based studio every saturday night, causing an 6 hours audiovisual mayhem whilst beaming the whole spectrum of full-on artistic wizardry onto your screen. lsb_TV is an audiovisual sculpture of a kind, amalgating a wideranged spectrum of basically rare & exclusive material, special edits, overdubs, interviews and whatever the advanced listener & lover of quality electronic music can think of and long for – transmitted exclusively via berlin´s Alex.TV and on interwebz world wide.
lsb_TV – liquid sky berlin TV
lsb_TV broadcasts live from Playground AV 21./22. & 23. may 2015 via alex berlintv / radio / internetstream / chat
lsb_TV is a ground-breaking concept of cross-media music television created by multi-creative design terrorist and visionary noize maker, ingmar koch a.k.a. dr. walker, brought to life with the help of uli sigg, one of germany´s most applauded visual artists and one of the country´s pioneers in vj culture. coming straight from the heart of the berlin underground scene the show represents not only the core of the art and experimental place known and recognized as Liquid Sky Berlin. the berlin based col- lective is a family of producers, djs and visual artists as well as renowned tastemakers from all around the world... and sometimes beyond. presented within an interdisciplinary flair that has already been described as
“a fkkkd up version of MTV on angel dust”
tune in if you dare, beloved mthrfkkrz!